Sunday, 19 July 2009


While I am not religious, do not believe in ghosts, UFO's and other like rubbish, I do believe there is Karma in the world.

Last night was a classic example. My Betrothed went for an excursion to the video shop to hire some entertainment for the night. Something nice. Something fun. Something suitable for a cold night at home curled up in front of the heater.

What did he come back with?

The first series of "Deadwood" and a Mel Gibson war movie. Boy choices.

Now I'm not adverse to a good drama and the word "gritty" does not send me screaming from the room. But I am not a fan of westerns and war movies leave me cold. As does Mel Gibson.

"Anything on the telly?" I enquired, with little hope (it was, after all, a Saturday night) so my Betrothed dutifully read out the offerings listed in the TV guide. Nothing. Nada. Zip.

So it was "Deadwood" that was chosen for viewing and two and a half episodes were duly watched.

Despite the quality of the production and the excellence of the acting, the storyline and genre really didn't do much for me. However, one endures ...

So we were watching away until our DVD player (a complete dud) decided to get temperamental and spit out the disk halfway through episode 3.

And guess what was just starting on TV as the DVD spat the dummy? Which Saturday night movie accidentally overlooked in the Guide?



1 comment:

Arizaphale said...

Bwahahahaha. I remember a similar incident in the UK when Terry brought home 'Scream'. I LOATHE horror movies. WTF was he thinking? No karma for him that night unless you count that fact that I dumped him a few months later :-D