Tuesday 11 November 2008

Chez Nous

Well, it's official. 'Chez moi' has become 'chez nous' as my Beloved has moved his stuff over and settled into his new 'pad'.

The previously austere pool room has been converted into a spiffing bedsit cum office cum studio cum bar cum ... pool room. A little bit of imagination, ingenuity and a small quantity of bailing wire has transformed the space out of all recognition - assisted also by an eclectic collection of art, bits of costume and various props. I particularly like the traffic lights and the honey bear head sitting on top of the TV but am concerned about the 'head box' into which (supposedly) knives and arrows are inserted without any damage to the occupant. Hmmmm.

Of course there are a number of exceptional side benefits to the new arrangements, not least of which is the elimination of all that pesky travelling time and the hassle of making assignations. Other perks need not be mentioned in this forum ...

Oh, and just in case you were wondering, my Beloved does have house access privileges. For the moment ... (just kidding!)

1 comment:

Arizaphale said...

Happy Days!!!!! Looking forward to trialling the head box oooer.