Saturday, 25 April 2009

The Great Easter Gutz Up

For an athiest, I'm very keen on Christian Festivals. Ignoring all religious significance with studied thoroughness, I just love a celebration! Any excuse ...

One of my favourites is Easter. Apart from the fabulous 4 day weekend, there's the excuse to eat CHOCOLATE! This must absolutely not be done in moderation. No - from Easter Sunday until the stocks runs out, one must gorge on chocolate until one makes oneself sick. It is, after all, the Great Easter Gutz Up!

This was not a tradition known to my Betrothed, but one he has embraced with unseemly enthusiasm. Strictly amateur at this stage, of course, with limited quantities required to induce queasiness. He hasn't had the years of training required to consume a really HUGE amount of chocolate before getting to the "one more bite and I'll throw up" stage. However, I have high hopes that he will quickly become a serious "Gutzer" ...

Even Q got into the act, but was very put out that she was required to pose for photos but not allowed to eat the bunny.

It does seem a little unfair, but everyone knows that little dogs can't eat chocolate. We'll make up for it with the roast at Christmas!

All good things must come to an end, and last night I snaffled the last of the Easter stocks (well there was only a little bit left) leaving my Betrothed with nothing but an old block of fruit and nut. He was not impressed.

Now there's the Easter spirit!!!!!


Arizaphale said...

Love the shots but why are you both holding a dislocated pair of ears?
And is that my little Q there? Aaaaaaah. She is my very special friend and such a good girl. No eating nasty rabbits for her. She values her waistline!

A Free Man said...

Have you ever tried those doggie chocolates? I mean, not you personally, but the dog. Maybe a solution - a guts up for the dog as well.

Arizaphale said...

Come on...time for a blog update. It's not as if you've got nothing to report.