Sunday 5 April 2009

Killer Dog

Now does this look like a vicious animal? A killer dog that would threaten the life of anyone who came in her path? No? Well, you'd be wrong ...

This is, of course, Q - our pet jack russell. On the occasion of this photo she had been dressed up funny by her dad in honour of Australia Day - and not very happy about the whole thing. But still not actively dangerous ...

However, the other day we found out just how terrifying she could be.

My Betrothed has a little ritual we go through everytime we leave Q at home. He tells her she's the best dog in the world and that while we're gone she's in charge. She's to look after the house and look after the cat and be a good girl until we get home.

She obviously takes this responsibility very seriously as we found out when the cleaner rang last Monday evening.

"Hello - this is Dragica here" (Imagine heavy eastern European accent!). "Ve come to clean the house today, but the little dog, she vill not let us."

"The little dog, she vants to bite me so ve go home. Ven would be good time to come back?"

Yes, indeed. Our small hero had protected the house against these nasty intruders and chased two grown people (one of them a strapping 6 foot man) off the premises.

Good dog!

1 comment:

Arizaphale said...

Behold! The Ring Bearer! Never underestimate little people.