Thursday 11 December 2008

Klutz-R-Us cont...

As I have previously mentioned, I am something of an accident waiting to happen. My previous post on this subject detailed a small altercation with my bedroom door resulting in split eyebrow.

My Beloved (who at the time was simply the recently acquired Love Interest) thought this was a one-off incident and the type of unfortunate accident that could happen to anyone. He has learned differently.

From the split eyebrow, to the blue ink incident and the simple daily trips, knocks and falls it has become apparent that I am genetically designed to find ingenious ways of damaging myself. I blame my mother who is herself prone to this sort of thing (recent sprained ankle from taking the rubbish bins out; broken arm from fall on pavement; ability to effect straight-jacket type arrangement with dressing gown etc. etc.).

The latest incident concerned a cigarette lighter. Well, to be more specific it was a cigar lighter in stainless steel resembling nothing more than a small blow torch. My Beloved (knowing my proclivity in this area) was at pains to point out to me that fingers and hands must be kept well away from said lighter to avoid damage so the last time I used it I was very careful to ensure that it was pointing away from all vulnerable body parts.

The only problem was that I was holding it up-side-down.

Let us say no more ...

My Beloved has started to call me "Midvale" in reference to our favourite Far Side cartoon. I suppose if the klutz fits ...


1 comment:

Arizaphale said...

I know it was painful, but the mental picture of you with said lighter upside down....was VERY funny. Sorry darlin'!!!!