Friday 12 December 2008

Quick one ...

This blogging every day thing is actually quite tough! Congratulations to all those who managed to do it throughout November while (or perhaps in spite of) growing those completely ridiculous moustaches ... well, the blokes that is.

Or in some cases, maybe not ...

This will have to be a quick one as my Beloved and I are in a frenzy of preparation for our Christmas Party being held on the weekend.

My traditional Christmas open house has been going on ever since I arrived back in Adelaide and has been a great opportunity to catch up with extended family and friends over the Christmas period. A smallish, but enjoyable gathering where once again the familial group will turn up, have a great time and vow not to let it be so long before we all catch up again ... a vow which will, of course, be broken as everyone continues with their busy lives until next year (weddings, landmark birthdays, baptisms and funerals excepted).

However, this year will be different! Since Chez Moi has become Chez Nous the gathering will also include my Beloved's very extensive contact list. At last count I believe around 439,516 invitations have been issued ... goodnes knows how many will turn up but we are expecting a fair crowd and can't wait to host our first party together. The familial group won't know what's hit them!

So it's on with the cleaning smock and back to my "to do" list for now ... more on the party anon!


Gawlerites said...

Congratulations on this weeks blogs and I agree with you, I do not know how the others keep it up especially A (cant remember how to spell her name) still, after meeting her at your doo's she does seem to lead an interesting life which would help with the scribing. We will do our best to get to you on Sunday sometime in the pm as we will be at the Churchill Rd Dog Park so not that far away, that is if we can get a park within 5ks of your place!!! and we will be dogless

Arizaphale said...

So the Gawlerites will have been to a previous DO....hmmmmm, should be a fun party!!!!! :-)
School's finished tra-la! I am now into catch-up Christmas mode.