Wednesday 17 December 2008

You know it's a good party when ...

You go to a lot of effort. You invite everyone you know (and some you don't). But how do you know if your party has been a success?

One indicator is that despite pledge to the contrary, it has taken 3 days to recover sufficiently to blog again .... But perhaps that has less to do with the quality of the party than the quantity of the wine?

Was it that there were several people who said they would drop in for an hour or two and stayed for the duration? Or the willingness of musicians to play and the crowd to sing along to a medley of Christmas carols?

No - perhaps the success of the party can best be demonstrated by the discovery of a pair of frilly knickers behind the hedge the following day.

How did they get there? Who left them? And in what circumstances?

Despite the vast quantities of alcohol consumed, this was definately a family friendly show. There were people taking up almost every square inch of the back garden - sitting and chatting, playing boulles, and generally having a good time. So what is the story with the knickers?

My Beloved and I have been perplexed by the whole thing. Was there some illicit nookie happening that we were completely unaware of? And if so, who? While there was an appropriate mix of gender attending it must be said that opposite sex attraction was definately a minority preference. Of those heterosexuals attending, there were a few couples - most with kiddies in tow - for whom illicit nookie would have been a definate non-starter.

Said item was also far to girlie (and too small) to have been cast aside with gay abandon.

So the mystery remains. Any suggestions anyone?


Arizaphale said...

Now that IS priceless! And we missed it all!!!!!

The Honourable Husband said...

Did you invite anyone Japanese?

Gay Destination said...

winnie made me do it!