Tuesday 22 July 2008

Tips for the observant ...

Well I have been a busy girl, haven't I?

The observant will note that I seem to have written a multitude of blog entries today ... but the even more observant will note that they span a passage of time which is none too recent.

The answer, dear friends, is that I had been blogging some time ago but was rudely interrupted by a pack I shall simply call the Hounds from Hell.

Well, I'm back - and having deleted all "controversial" content have reinstated some of the blog entries from last year.

You can't keep a good woman down ... :-D Stay tuned!


Arizaphale said...

Hooray! I got in so muct be invited!!! So great to have you back. Can I link to you or not?
See you tonight!! Oh and would you like adrian to design you a banner? That green thing is too YUK for words.

Unknown said...

Welcome Miss Betty. Your public have missed you.

Miss Betty Fjord said...

Yes, Arizaphale. You may link to me. I am no longer hiding my proverbial light under a bushell. Stuff 'em!